Der diesjährige Vorlesewettbewerb bei uns am Goethe-Gymnasium fand am 09.12.2021 in der Sporthalle statt. Aus dem 6. Jahrgang nahmen jeweils zwei Schüler*innen aus jeder Klasse teil. Alle Vorlesenden hatten einen Freund oder eine Freundin aus der eigenen Klasse zur Unterstützung mitgebracht. Zusätzlich gab es natürlich auch die Jury, bestehend aus den Deutschlehrerinnen des Jahrgangs sowie Tamina Fohrmann und Bosse Niemetz (Siegerin und Sieger aus den vergangenen Jahren). Ole Stäber und Arina Schwabenland aus der Umlauf-Redaktion machten die Fotos für unseren Bericht über zwei spannende Vorlesestunden.
Elias schreibt (eine) Geschichte
The reading competition
On the 9th of December there was a reading competition for all sixth-graders of our school. Two kids from every tutor group could participate. So we read for around two hours, each of us for about 3 minutes. I was the last one because I’m in group 6f. I was so nervous because there were many German teachers. But when I was finally reading, I liked it. After everyone had done their reading, the teachers had to choose three kids for the final round. I was one of them. The three of us had to read from an unknown book. And again, the teachers had to make a choice, but this time only one kid would be remaining and winning! I won the competition and it was really great fun. I got a winner’s certificate and a book. And I can’t wait for the next round.